
We don't sell heating and Air conditioning, we help you buy it!

Every year, countless people overpay for heating and air conditioning. At Exposeco, we’ve seen contractors repeatedly "over-promise" and "under-deliver." We are your protector when you buy heating and air conditioning from contractors. You will save money while we ensure your best interests are understood, upheld, and prioritized.

We don't work for contractors. We work for you!

Save Money Now
with our Negotiation Package

We even negotiate on your behalf worry free with a money back guarantee.
Add it to any option today. Click here to learn more.


$899 Buy Now

Best Value$499 Buy Now

$259 Buy Now

$179 Buy Now

Coaching on Getting Proposals

Review Up to 3 Contractor Proposals

Ranked Proposals with Contractor Recommendations

Personalized System Recommendations

Additional 4th Proposal Review

Custom Specification Sheet for Contractor Bids

Verify Contractor License, Bonding, and Insurance

Detailed Energy Design Calculation Report

Financing Advice for Your Project

Review Up to 6 Contractor Proposals

Find Rebates and Tax Credits

Identify and Evaluate 4 Qualified Contractors

Coordinate Contractor Appointments

Exposeco Ultimate Protection Guarantees

REducing cost


Exposeco was created to ensure that you, the consumer, are truly getting the full value from the contractors you’ve received proposals from. We eliminate contractors' smoke-and-mirrors tactics and expose the truth about what they are offering. As industry professionals on your side, we help you save time and money while protecting your investment.

we have customized packages for all of your needs